Sunday, June 22, 2014

Five Month Milestones

Yay, the baby turned 5 months today!  (Actually, it's three days later, and I'm back-dating this...because, well, no time!

So, 5 months today!  Woo!  We're in the clear - he sleeps through the night, never cries, and his poops smell like cake...

OK, not exactly.

But there are a few developments.

1. Flips over - as noted in a previous post.

2. Sleeps in his crib now - in his own room.  This is a big step from the pack-in-play (or is it Pack'N'Play?) right by the bed.

Although, as I write this it's 8pm and he's wailing in his crib because he can't fall asleep.  There goes New Mom to calm him down...because Daddy is staring at the computer screen with an intense look on his face as if he's engaged in some serious business.

Oh, she's back!  It was quick!  Thank god.  That's another milestone...

3. Puts himself to sleep.  You can lay him down and he'll wiggle around in the crib, and as long has he doesn't flip over on his stomach and panic because he can't flip back, well, sometimes he'll fall asleep!

And other times, he just wails.


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