Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Two Milestones in One Day

Two milestones today.

1. Baby rolled over

From his back to his stomach - into a self-imposed tummy-time.

New Grandma says that he did it before... But I never saw that.

And today I saw him do it like, six times.  So I'm counting today as the milestone.

2. Baby ate his first solid food

If you count mushed bananas mixed with breast milk as "solid food."

Which of course, we do.  He ate it from a spoon! (A spoon that we saved from Yogurtland...those are GOOD SPOONS.  Too good to throw away after one use...)

Well, I didn't actually see this milestone, but New Mom was nice enough to take a video of it.  It's a great video, too, as New Mom set the camera down nearby while she fed the boy.  Smart.  Really need to set the camera down more often.

The baby is also grabbing things now.  Like leaves and his bottle.

And soon, a spoon?



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