Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coronavirus - 1 Week In

How different a few weeks make...

I feel like I should be keeping track of some of the things that are happening, perhaps just for my own perspective, or history, or whatever you want to call it.

It's Tuesday.   Last Thursday, Governor Newsom gave at stay-at-home order, and ordered all non-essential businesses to close.

But, here we are at work, with some people working from home. We're a very small business, so we were already spread out, and now even more so.  Most of South El Monte seems to be operating as usual, so we're not sure how the wholesale and shipping businesses are doing, or how any law applies to them.  I assume that people still need stores stocked, so the essential businesses that are open, like grocery stores - also need the suppliers to be open.  This is no where in any official literature...

We're bringing the boy to work, and since he's six now, we're developing a curriculum for him.  He loves learning Chinese, and also digs math and even reading.  Thank god.

Of course, he also goes on the iPad and laptop a lot.

This week I'm developing a plan for him so that we keep track of all the worksheets he does, and can earn rewards for certain amounts.. Like say, he does 100 worksheets, gets a video game.  I mentioned that if he does enough, we'll buy him the next video game system in the Nintendo family (which would be the GameCube.  We started with NES, then SNES, and he's currently on N64, obsessed with Super Smash Bros.) 

Not exactly sure why we continue on this path of video games, but we do.

Wine.com changed their slogan to Alcohol, Delivered.  Or maybe it has always been that, and they're just advertising now?

Wife started giving us haircuts, because we're not about to go to the barbershop / salon.

Started a garden on the side yard.  Tomatoes are coming... in like, two months.

Right now, no one knows what's going to happen in a few days or a few weeks.  All we know for certain right now is that traffic is really light.


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