Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Coming up on the ending of year 2 (for the boy) and year 3 (for the parents) Do the math.

It has been a while since I updated this.

And today's "update" isn't going to be much, since I have to go downstairs and start breakfast in less than 5 minutes.

So, it may read like a journal entry.  So feel free to ignore it.. And also, feel free to use the word "So..." as many times as you want today when you begin a sentence...

(I'm labeling this post a rough draft, because it's one of those that may need some revising in the future and/or some deleting in the future)

There are so many updates for the boy - who used to be a baby but is now clearly a boy - I don't know where to begin.  He is potty trained now, though he has a few accidents, so do we still say they're potty trained?  I guess so.  If I know how to drive but I crash once in a while, I suppose I still know how to drive... So let's say he's a potty trained person, though he just started, so he makes some mistakes.

In his daycare, he has switched to the large side, which means the ratio from teacher to kid goes from 1-4 to 1-8, meaning there are 16 kids in his class and two teachers.

The problem is, there's really only one teacher.  The school hasn't hired a permanent second teacher, so that second spot always rotates.

Anyway, the boy likes the big playground, but I don't think he likes all the other kids.

Everytime I pick him up, though, he's busy playing with magnets with other kids, or pretending to cook while wearing a princess dress (not sure the dress is necessary for him to cook...and when I think about it, it seems a little bit gender they make him put on that dress over his clothes when he cooks?  Or did he choose it himself?  Anyhow, this has only happened once, so we'll see.

Christmas pageant is Friday at his school.  We'll see how the Frosty and Rudulf songs go.  And hopefully I'll update about it.

If not, there will be an update about the books I read this year, because damn if I didn't keep track on that Google doc for nothing.

Oh shit, time for breakfst.


(I could have corrected my misspelling - like I just did for the word "mispelling" - but I wanted to illustrate how pressed for time I am these days.)



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