(This post is a rough draft. For finished, polished posts, might I reccommend (see how I spelled "recommend" incorrectly? I may not even have time to go back and fix that!) one of the "Popular Posts" in the box on the right. A handful of folks were particularly not bored by "5 Tricks to Get Your Toddler to Do What You Want)
So, I missed the boy's birthday update that I was so diligent about the first year of his life. Missed it like I've missed it for maybe a year now.
Because who celebrates monthly birthdays? It's confusing for the kid AND the parent.
So here are a few things, mostly for my own record, of what he's been doing these days:
Boy is 2 years, 4 months and change...here are some things he's doing:
Likes to say:
Most recently:
"NB play trumpet, make daddy laugh."
"NB poo on daddy! NB pee on daddy! NB poo on carpet. NB pee on carpet!" He doesn't do any of these things, but he only says them when he isn't wearing a diaper, and sometimes has snuck up behind Daddy and wrapped him in a pants-less hug. I think he just likes to see the raised eyebrow expression I give him. So, I need to work on not reacting to SOMEONE SAYING THEY'RE GOING TO POO OR PEE ON YOU!
When asked where to go: "Go to the Japanese market!"
"Daddy, play ABCs. NB play Twinkle Twinkle." Not sure if he knows these are the same song, but he puts them together.
Counts to 13, but then skips to 16 or 17. Goes on to 30, with slight assistance.
Says the letters of the alphabet, but skips N. (Who needs it, anyway?)
Tip toes.
Walks "slowly."
(Most of the time is running, so these variations are interesting...to his parents, only...)
Ate 6 raw oysters a few weeks ago.
Ate intestine cold dish apetizer yesterday.
Eats shrimp like it's running out of style.
There's a lot more, but it's breakfast time..
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