Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Two Most Relevant Movie Moments to Fatherhood

The two scenes - well, actually moments - that keep coming to mind with this kid are not what you think.  They're not some parenting movie, they're not even movies with kids.  They're

1. Indiana Jones, weighing the sand bag, attempting to snatching the idol, and then..snatch!  He got it!  He's home free!  Except....oh no..

It's like that, except the giant boulder is a screaming kid.  You didn't lay him down smooth enough.

2. The scene in HEAT where De Niro tells Pacino: Do not let yourself get attached to anything that you can't leave in 30 seconds if you feel the heat coming around the corner...

In other words, don't start any 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles in the living room...or any project that you can't walk away from in 30 seconds or less if you feel the heat (a.k.a. baby screaming) coming from the other room..

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