Thursday, April 13, 2023

Things Said, Done, 9 years, 3 months or so

On the mornings our way to spring break basketball camp the son demands to be DJ (I call him "DJ Dibs"). In this case he plays two songs:

1. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor

2. Intergalactic - Beastie Boys

Watched Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves in the movie theater. Took a break during the movie to go to the bathroom. At the urinal I asked the son how he liked it:

Him: "Good, except for all the talking parts."

Driving home from a school event (he's in 3rd grade) where he demonstrated a robot and Scratch computer:

"Dad, do teachers make a lot of money? Because their job seems important."

Me: They do alright. Principals make more though.

Him: Really? Why?

Me: That's just how school administration works. They oversee things, have advanced degrees, and make more money.