Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Good Day

I realize that I don't often write about good days.  Maybe writing about them or recording them in some way will help to understand what makes days good, and how to have more of them.

Today was a good day.  It was a Saturday.

And yet, we all still have colds.  Mostly just coughs now.

Took boy to the library in the morning to give New Mom time to nap.  She didn't sleep well last night.

Walked into the library - boy walked on his own, I still had the stroller.  At the library, read a few books, was in and out of the stroller - mostly out.

Played well - shared Lego toys with the other kids!

A dad asked me if we were here for the puppet show.  I do not get asked that every day.

And so we went to the puppet show, which was actually a marionette show by a very flaming marionette-master.  Alright, puppet master.

Good show.  Pirates.  Arrr.

Boy stayed for 30 minutes.  The got up and walked out the door in the middle of it.

Went to the store.  He was good in the cart.

Home, New Mom was rested and had lunch ready!

He napped a little late, but still went down for about an hour.  New Mom let me sleep for over an hour.

Went for a walk in the stroller with the dog.  Boy got out sometime in the middle, but then got back in.

New mom bought dumplings for dinner!

Boy went to sleep right at 8.  Nice job, boy.

Tomorrow is another day.  I hear New Mom coughing upstairs.  These coughs are hard to beat.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy 18 Months, Baby boy!

Happy birthday, baby boy!

On this day, you are 18 month old.  I'm going to start counting in years now.

Happy 1.5 years, baby boy!

Today, we're all sick.

New dad has pink eye.

Baby boy is recovering from a cold.

He previously had pink eye.

New mom is almost recovered, but still has a cough.

Baby boy said "back" and "black" today, but now writing that, new dad is not sure if those were the same words...

Anyhow, I steal some eye drops from the baby boy and go to bed to try and beat this cold.  New mom volunteered to sleep in the other room because of her cough, so new dad can get some more rest.

New mom is the best.