The boy is 14 months today, but as evidenced by the lack of a "13 Month Birthday - Milestones" we've kinda stopped keeping track, though new mom and I did point it out to someone today.
"How old is your boy?"
"Fourteen months. Today"
"He's tall!"
That's the main comment we still get - He's tall! It used to be, "He's long!" and we still get that too, but since the boy is now "cruising" and standing while leaning on things, it seems more appropriate to call him tall.
14 month milestones
Says "mama" or "mom," but almost always follows it with "dada" or "dad" or "daddy."
Will say the "Ba" in "banana" when prompted by either saying the word "banana" or by showing him a picture of a banana, or, when appropriate, a real banana.
Oh, most recent milestone is saying "cat," which sounds like "caught" and/or the way a British person says "cat."
Is my son British?
I suppose, technically, if you go back far enough on my mother's side, yes, yes he is.
But he should be speaking like an American by now. Seriously.
Other milestones:
-Ate his first smoked salmon, raspberries, and blackberries today, courtesy of Howard and Joy. (Thanks guys!)
-Eats a lot of things. Uses a fork sometimes on his own.
-Love his baby Batman cup. (Thanks Joey!)
-Can touch his nose or your nose, when asked. Also, can touch your eyes, mouth, ears, hair, head.
Lastly, pull-up style diapers have literally changed our lives. The kid used to hate lying down and being changed. Got some diapers that just slide up. They're not "pull-ups" officially, but damn if you can't put them on with him standing up.
I need to revise the posts on this blog.
That is all.